Well I flew home to Utah last weekend to surprise everyone and I had a whirlwind of a trip! It was awesome :) I left Honolulu at 9:40 pm Wednesday, had a 30 minute lay over in San Francisco, and got into SLC at 9:05 am Thursday. My mom picked me up from the airport and we made the rounds to surprise everyone. We went to my dad's work, Costco to see Auntie and Shawn, Overstock to see Renae, then over to my grandparents. After that we got ready and headed downtown to the temple for the main reason I was in town...Emily's wedding! She didn't think I was going to be able to make it (and neither did I until about 2 weeks ago) and I think her reaction was the best of anyone haha. She started screaming and crying then I started crying...totally worth no sleep on an overnight flight for that moment!! She was so beautiful and has never seemed so genuinely happy. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bates...AHH that is so weird to say!! But I love it :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Surprise, surprise!!
Posted by Melissa at 10:56 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Snap, crackle, and pop!
Today I came home from work and was kind of stressing because I had to teach the lesson for FHE tonight and I hadn't even started...so surprising I know! ;) Anyway I grabbed my computer to start looking up stuff for the lesson, but the computer had no battery power left and shut right off. It was still connected to the charger but it wouldn't light up. I wiggled the cord around and got it to light up so I tried to keep in that position but then I looked down and it was melting through the plastic on the cord and smoking!! Umm...game over! So by this time it is like 5pm and FHE starts at 7:30...panic time! I jumped in the car and drove to the mall, bought a new cord ($82 later) and made it back to my place by 5:45! If you have ever been to Waikiki you know that was a miracle! Well the lesson went well (if I do say so myself JK!!!), and my baby is fire safe, for now :)
Posted by Melissa at 1:57 AM 3 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Just another day in paradise
Ok I'm finally caught up to this past week.
During the festival we happened to meander into the Ferrari store and found this beauty. You too can own this car for only 2.3 million dollars! And if that wasn't a sweet enough deal for only a million more they will throw in the engine too! I couldn't even afford the key to a Ferrari ($216...ridiculous) haha
Posted by Melissa at 1:00 AM 0 comments
2 weeks ago...
Ok we are getting closer to current events haha.
Posted by Melissa at 12:18 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Three weeks ago

Posted by Melissa at 1:30 AM 1 comments